

Gli alunni della classe 5CM hanno ricevuto il Certificato di Qualità per il progetto ePlanet portato avanti nel corso dell’anno scolastico 2016-2017 con partner tedeschi e greci. Il progetto, che prevedeva la creazione del  magazine on line ePlanet è stato seguito dalle prof.sse Chiara Diomedi e Laura Ridolfi.

Come è fatta la nostra scuola, quali sono le attrezzature, come vengono gestite le emergenze. Questo è il contenuto dell’intervista realizzata nell’ambito di un progetto eTwinning a.s. 2016-17 denominato “ePlanet” che la nostra scuola sta portando avanti insieme a una scuola tedesca e una greca.
La Dirigente parla dell’edificio, delle attrezzature in dotazione all’Istituto e dei piani di sicurezza. Gli studenti del 4°A Chimici hanno realizzato l’intervista, il montaggio e hanno creato i sottotitoli in inglese proprio per inserire il lavoro nella rivista online che stanno creando insieme ai loro colleghi tedeschi e greci.


The present project aims at publishing an on-line magazine on environmental issues in a foreign language. Language learning, raising public awareness on environmental challenges, working collaboratively between both classmates and partners abroad, artistic expression and learning the use of ICT tools are significantly encouraged.


• to advance writing, reading and communication skills in a foreign language (English)
• to promote critical thinking skills via the search, selection and organization of the material
• to use a professional desktop publishing software
• to educate pupils on photography and video making
• to learn the basics of image, audio and video editing
• to create a suitable survey and interpret the findings
• to create comics in order to present the relevant precedent bibliographical research
• to advance collaborative writing between both their classmates and partners abroad, and publish articles on-line
• to promote team work, sharing responsibilities, role assignments, decision making and problem solving
• to get acquainted with the rules of journalism by interviewing esteemed persons of our society
• to get acquainted with copyright issues
• to build and use a space for multicultural collaboration
• to raise awareness on ecology
• to compare the environmental challenges in different areas


The three aspects we shall mainly deal with are the following;
1. Genetically Modified food and world policies about it.
2. The past, the present and the future we hope for our school buildings (bioclimatic architecture).
3. Life of animals in the environment of our cities.

Each class will be divided into three groups, they will start finding information in Libraries and on the internet, for the three main aspects of the e-magazine. They will then evaluate their findings and after new research and debate with their counterparts of the other schools, they shall collaboratively write down in an e-magazine form and present their final thoughts on the aspect. Students will be encouraged to interview knowledgeable members of our society.
In parallel, some pupils will be trained on using desktop publishing, audio and video editing software, comic creation programs and the TwinSpace platform. Photography and video lessons are scheduled. Surveys will be used.
Closing date is some day of June


The final product of our collaboration will be an online magazine and our publicly accessed TwinSpace.