Call of Penpal


La classe 1 CIT è impegnata nel Progetto “Call of Penpal”, in collaborazione con  tre scuole turche ed una spagnola, per un totale di 101 studenti e 5 docenti.
I ragazzi hanno utilizzato la piattaforma e-twinning per presentarsi, conoscersi e condividere interessi ed esperienze, iniziando una corrispondenza tramite mail che speriamo posso proseguire anche al di là del corrente anno scolastico.
Our project aims at bringing together the students who are truly willing to sustain our accustomance in writing eachother as penpal friends. They are from different countries but they will gather in the end of this project with their penpals. Not only building good relationships with their peers, but also being motivated on studying, writing and speaking English.

  • encourage the students using their foreign language by writing and increase their motivation for language learning.
  • develop pupils’ literacy and art skills,
  • promote the awareness of cultural differences,
  • contribute to pupils’ development of online research, teamwork, scheduling skills,
  • Increase recognition of the school subjects such as History, Geography, English, and Literature.
  • build cross-cultural friendships as the issue will be jointly addressed by several countries and schools,
  • develop different foreign languages and interpersonal skills.
  • develop self-confidence.